Kuhlmann—Anderson Tests
Dr. Frederick Kuhlmann
Dr. Rose G. Anderson
Kindergarten–Grade 12
Testing Time:
50–75 minutes

The Kuhlmann–Anderson Tests (KA) measure academic potential by assessing cognitive skills related to the learning process. They have proven to be valid measures of school learning ability since 1927.

In order to assess a broad range of cognitive skills, eight separate subtests are administered at each of the seven KA Test levels. Four of the subtests use items that are primarily nonverbal in nature such as problem solving, picture and number patterns, proportions and symmetry, figuring out math functions, sequences, and/or category errors. These items measure an individual’s understanding of numbers and figures. Vocabulary and reading items such as scrambled words, scrambled sentences, ordering, visual clues, antonyms, and/or classifying, are measures of verbal skills and comprise the remaining subtests at each level. The subtests vary from level to level.

The nonverbal test scores may be used to help identify gifted students with limited English proficiency. The nonverbal score may be used to identify at-risk students or students with learning disabilities who need further diagnosis.

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