Tests are instruments which must be used with professional care. Therefore, their sale is restricted.
Qualification for purchasing of materials:
Who May Order

If you prefer not to pay online, just finalize your order and print out the invoice. Then you may:
Phone your order in to 1.800.642.6787
Fax your order in to 1.866.766.8054
Send a copy of the invoice attached with a check or money order
Pay on account if you have an account with us.

Additional Order Information
Who may choose the “Pay on Account” option:
existing customers
new customers who are using a Purchase Order number

Prices and Terms


Orders for purchase of materials are filled immediately and invoiced at current catalog prices, f.o.b., Bensenville, Illinois, plus transportation, insurance, and sales taxes where applicable. All scoring and data processing services are invoiced upon completion of service according to current catalog prices, f.o.b., Earth City, Missouri, regardless of date of order. A minimum handling charge of $3.50 per carton will be added to each order. Extraordinary manual handling of answer sheets would necessitate additional charges.


All U.S. orders placed without an authorized purchase order must include payment (add 10% for shipping plus handling). A minimum handling charge of $3.50 per carton will be added to each order.


For shipping and handling costs for shipments outside of U.S. territories and possessions, please contact STS in Bensenville, Illinois.


Due to extraordinary office processing and shipping preparation, a minimum handling charge of $25.00 will be added to all overnight or second-day orders in addition to the courier charges.

*Shipping is pending until the order is confirmed and approved by STS.